It is very easy to organize your dental treatment at our surgery
As first step,contact us on any of the following methods:
Phone: +36 20 9247575
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will answer personally all your questions regarding your dental treatment at R9Dental in Hungary.
Instead of having a consultation in Budapest,you can also send us a recent panoramic X-ray ( not older than 3 months )and we will prepare a customized initial assessment.Patients must be aware of the fact though,that initial assessments might be subject to changes after a personal clinical examination.
Clinical examination and X-ray - or CT scan if necessary – will be taken to assess the health of the mouth.All patients will be provided with detailed treatment plans,including costs,number of trips,length of stay and bonuses.
All treatments will take place at our dental surgery in the heart of Budapest.
State of the art equipment,selected materials and experienced dental technicians guarantee the high standard of our treatments.Between the sessions you will have time to explore the city and enjoy all it has to offer.
After completion of your dental treatment with us,you just have to be proud of your new perfect smile!